Earn up to ZAR 4,223 per week by driving with Bolt Become a Bolt driver, set your schedule and earn money by driving!

Become a Bolt driver, set your schedule and earn money by driving! Become a driver now, apply now : https://bolt.eu/en-za/driver/signup/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ads&utm_campaign=18523951124&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwae1BhC_ARIsAK4Jfrx6hJ0uK4UUns7on052juCgbp4IBj1VVBeIX1kQzNdubQsA3M5mxS8aAolpEALw_wcB Get started : 1. Sign up online Tell us which city you'd like to drive in and the type of licence you have. We'll email you with the next steps. Apply to drive 2. Upload your documents The documents needed to drive on the Bolt platform can vary depending on your location. 3. Rent a vehicle If you don't have access to a car, we can connect you with a fleet partner who will offer you a vehicle to drive. How the Bolt Driver app works : Reliable and easy to use, with everything you need to drive and earn when you want. 1. Accept a ride request The Bolt Driver app will automatically find passengers for you. 2.  Pick up your passenger The app will gui...

General Workers needed


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